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Linux Hardware Reviews, Benchmarks & Open-Source News
Updated: 17 min 24 sec ago

Mesa's NVIDIA Vulkan Driver "NVK" Now Exposes Vulkan 1.3 Support

Sat, 27/01/2024 - 11:30am
The NVK driver within Mesa for open-source NVIDIA GPU support for the Vulkan API that works with the Nouveau DRM kernel driver is now capable of advertising Vulkan 1.3 API support...

KDE Lands More Performance Improvements & Fixes Ahead Of Plasma 6.0 Next Month

Sat, 27/01/2024 - 11:19am
We're nearly one month to the day until the release of the much anticipated KDE Plasma 6.0 desktop release alongside the new KDE Gear apps and KDE Frameworks 6.0. Developers aren't letting up at all with more performance optimizations and fixes continuing to hit the codebase...

Wine 9.1 Released With Better Dvorak Keyboard Detection, Input Method Improvements

Sat, 27/01/2024 - 5:00am
Following the recent Wine 9.0 stable release earlier this month, Wine 9.1 is now available as the first bi-weekly development release in the new series that will ultimately culminate with the Wine 10.0 stable release in early 2025...

It's Becoming Possible To Use The Webcam On Newer Intel Laptops With Open-Source Linux

Fri, 26/01/2024 - 6:12pm
While Intel typically does a great job with their open-source Linux hardware support with enabling all features under Linux and doing so in a timely manner -- often well in advance of the client and server hardware availability -- an exception in recent years has been around the web cam support for many newer Intel laptops. Since Alder Lake an increasing number of Intel-powered laptops have been relying on a raw MIPI camera sensor connected to the IPU6 IP. Intel has been tightly controlling the intellectual property around IPU6 so in turn their Linux support has consisted of an out-of-tree kernel driver and a proprietary user-space component. But thanks to Linaro and Red Hat, an open-source alternative has been forming...

AMD Core Performance Boost Patches Posted For P-State Linux Driver

Fri, 26/01/2024 - 5:28pm
While not quite as exciting as yesterday's AMD XDNA driver publishing for Ryzen AI on Linux, a notable patch series out of AMD today on the Linux front is enabling AMD Core Performance Boost controls within their P-State CPU frequency scaling driver...

Red Hat Updates RHEL Pricing For The Cloud - Now Scales With vCPU Count

Fri, 26/01/2024 - 3:27pm
Red Hat announced today that beginning April they will be rolling out a new pricing model for Red Hat Enterprise Linux use in the public cloud...

Servo Engine Updates Bring CSS Tables & Its Browser Gets Back/Forward Buttons

Fri, 26/01/2024 - 3:13pm
As part of the renewed efforts around the Servo open-source web engine and making it usable for embedded purposes, the Servo engine has been tacking on a number of new features in recent weeks...

Sway 1.9-rc1 Supports New Wayland Extensions & Better Rendering Performance

Fri, 26/01/2024 - 3:03pm
Simon Ser just released Sway 1.9-rc1 as the newest test release for this i3-inspired Wayland compositor...

Uutils 0.0.24 Advances Rust-Written Coreutils Implementation

Fri, 26/01/2024 - 1:46pm
The uutils project providing a Rust-written Coreutils re-implementation has released v0.0.24 and it passes another 29 GNU test cases as the project nears its 1.0 release...

AMDVLK 2024.Q1.1 Brings Gang Submit, Faster Ray-Tracing Pipeline Compilation

Fri, 26/01/2024 - 11:36am
AMDVLK 2024.Q1.1 has dropped as AMD's first open-source Vulkan API driver release of the new year for Radeon graphics on Linux...