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The Dystopian American "Dream"

Homer's picture
The Fascist States of America

Is this the real American Dream®?

As George Carlin once mused; "It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it."

In watching the meltdown of this American dream, what I find most amusing is the fact that Americans genuinely believe they have such a thing as left-wing politics, and then rant furiously against it, when in fact even the most radically "left" ideology expounded by any American politician, or even most of his constituents, would essentially qualify as "fascist" anywhere else.

At the very least American ideology is a profoundly narcissistic doctrine that's universally reviled by the rest of us. The fact that American's would rather take themselves to the brink of another civil war, than provide the poor with healthcare and welfare, is a fairly damning indictment of exactly how malevolent their society really is.

What's most disturbing is the fact that they seem oblivious to how vile they appear to outside observers, or at least they don't seem to care, casually dismissing foreign detractors as "commies", rather than concede the possibility that maybe narcissism isn't a such a noble aspiration after all, and that opposition to it is merely indicative of compassion, a facet conspicuously absent from American society.

Indeed the only genuine interest America seems to take in foreign opinion is when those foreigners have oil, or some other valuable resource, at which point it sends armies to invade and conquer, appointing lackeys more receptive to its demands, typically under the pretext of bringing Freedom®. This particular brand of Freedom® is presumably in reference to the impunity with which America may now exploit those foreign interests, much like the impunity with which the NSA spies on everyone, including its own citizens, in pursuit of those spoils.

Sadly the outcome of all this warmongering is a predatory society that actually revels in its own malice, which is entirely unsurprising given its foundations: invasion, genocide and slavery, followed by the establishment of an elitist republic that brazenly rejected democracy as "the tyranny of the majority", but which is ironically now completely owned and controlled by a minority of corporate tyrants.

There's a lesson in there somewhere, but if Americans haven't learned it in over two hundred years, it seems unlikely that they ever will.

The Future of America