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Free Software Set To Be Further Poisoned With Mono?

You may recall that I posted an article last year, voicing my concerns that Fedora (and indeed most distros) was being slowly poisoned by Microsoft's encumbered C# technology, in the  form of Mono. Well now it seems that Beagle (Novell/Gnome search tool) developer, Debajyoti Bera, wants to extend that infestation even further, by converting Beagle's support libraries to Mono too.

d-Tech-t: Open letter to OpenSUSE users

Apple Kill QuickTime With DRM, Then Censor Complaints

Oh dear, the MacHeads are not happy bunnies...

Looks like a recent update to QuickTime has introduced some kind of DRM enforcement, that effectively renders it useless (pun intended).

Worse still, complaints about this update are being censored on Apple's support forums.

Apple - Support - Discussions - After QT7.4, AE error-you do not have ...

It seems that Apple has deleted (again) one part of this discussion...

Why Danny Carlton is Blocked

Go to the "Why Danny Carlton is Blocked" redirect page to see the full article.

You've reached this page because you are Danny Carlton.

Danny Carlton, a.k.a. Jack LewisDanny Carlton is the infamous loony fruitcake who apparently has a problem with Ad Block Plus, the award-winning Firefox plug-in that blocks those intrusive adverts that nobody wants to see, on web sites like Danny Carlton's. This deeply essential anti-spam tool transforms Web browsing from the unbearable slog through (what has become) a cesspool of online advertising, into the Utopian haven of ad-free browsing that we can now enjoy, thus making the Interweb a safe and pleasant land, protecting Web surfers from notorious ad-revenue spammers like Danny Carlton.