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Return of the Sony Rootkit

Oh oh ... looks like Sony are up to their old tricks again.

F-Secure : News from the Lab

This USB stick with rootkit-like behavior is closely related to the Sony BMG case. First of all, it is another case where rootkit-like cloaking is ill advisedly used in commercial software. Also, the USB sticks we ordered are products of the same company — Sony Corporation.

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Windows By Stealth: The Updates You Don't Want

On the back of the recent WGA fiasco, further research has revealed yet another citation of what I already knew to be true: Windows updates itself without explicit permission, even if you turn off automatic updates.

NEW! ... Further proof, confirmation, and details of this has been provided by Scott Dunn of Windows Secrets, and Adrian Kingsley-Hughes of ZDNet.

Windows XP EULA in Plain English - Linux information, advocacy, reviews and tips for everyone.

Windows XP EULA in Plain English

This is the EULA for Windows XP Home Edition. EULA stands for “End-User Licensing Agreement.” Let's break that down:

  • End-User – The person who purchased and is using Windows XP Home.
  • Licensing – When someone buys Windows XP Home, they do not own anything. Instead they are licensing it from Microsoft.
  • Agreement – A legally binding contract between the person and Microsoft.

What does this document contain? Most people don't know, because it is written in legal-speak. Still, you are expected to read it and are required to agree to it before using Windows XP Home. Even if you don't read it, you are still bound by it, so it's good to know what's in there.

Let's take a look at just what rights a user of Windows XP Home has given up. In the “What it Says” column we have reprinted the text exactly as it appears in the EULA (obtained from Microsoft's website at In the “What it Means” column, we summarize what it means in plain English.