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Give Linux a Windows-style "Registry"

The Ultimate Abomination

First of all, let me make it clear that this is only meant to be a joke.

No really, it's a joke.

Please, for the love of God, do not pervert GNU/Linux into Windows, by giving it the worst configuration storage system of all time.

Having said that, it does actually work (FSVO: "work").

The following takes the contents of "/etc" and "$HOME/{userid}/{dotfiles}", and creates a Windows-style "Registry" from them, comprising two Sqlite3 databases: SYSTEM.DAT.db and USER.DAT.db respectively.

Firefox / Icecat Tips

Kill that damned "urlclassifier3.sqlite" problem once and for all

Turn off (uncheck) "Block reported attack sites" and "Block reported web forgeries" in Firefox/Icecat security preferences. Unless you're an idiot, or running Windows, then you probably don't need this.

Then quit Firefox/Icecat, and:

cd "$HOME"
find . -name urlclassifier3.sqlite -exec rm -f {} ';' -exec touch {} ';'
su -c "find . -name urlclassifier3.sqlite -exec chattr +i {} ';'"

"chattr +i" means "change the file attributes to immutable", meaning "can't change or delete".

This will now ensure urlclassifier3.sqlite remains a zero byte file forever.

Windows By Stealth: The Updates You Don't Want

On the back of the recent WGA fiasco, further research has revealed yet another citation of what I already knew to be true: Windows updates itself without explicit permission, even if you turn off automatic updates.

NEW! ... Further proof, confirmation, and details of this has been provided by Scott Dunn of Windows Secrets, and Adrian Kingsley-Hughes of ZDNet.