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Sweden Overturns Corrupted OOXML Vote

Homer's picture

The Swedish Standards Institute has overturned the controversial "yes" vote for Microsoft's OOXML "standard", after discovering that one the many attending Microsoft representatives had voted twice. Earlier it was revealed that Microsoft had bribed its so-called "Gold Partners" to attend and vote "yes", promising "extra marketing money" for those who subverted the process. On the day of the vote, 23 entirely new pro-Microsoft representatives turned up and did just that, swinging the vote 25 to 6 in favour, with 3 abstentions.

At the time, there was outcry across the world that the Standards process could be so easily and blatantly corrupted, but no action was taken until now, and ultimately even that rests on what is a mere technicality. In my humble opinion, there should be criminal proceedings taken against Microsoft for this very obvious perversion of the Standards process.

Hopefully this latest development will highlight the degree of corruption Microsoft are engaging in to shoehorn their ostensibly "open" standard onto an unsuspecting public, and bury this Trojan Horse in the sand where it belongs.