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Firefox / Icecat Tips

Kill that damned "urlclassifier3.sqlite" problem once and for all

Turn off (uncheck) "Block reported attack sites" and "Block reported web forgeries" in Firefox/Icecat security preferences. Unless you're an idiot, or running Windows, then you probably don't need this.

Then quit Firefox/Icecat, and:

cd "$HOME"
find . -name urlclassifier3.sqlite -exec rm -f {} ';' -exec touch {} ';'
su -c "find . -name urlclassifier3.sqlite -exec chattr +i {} ';'"

"chattr +i" means "change the file attributes to immutable", meaning "can't change or delete".

This will now ensure urlclassifier3.sqlite remains a zero byte file forever.

Bash Bullshit Generator

# Bullshit generator
# Version 1.1
# © 2010 Homer,
# License: GPL3+

Is AMD's G34 Platform Just Vapourware?

It surely hasn't escaped anyone's attention that motherboards based on AMD's G34 socket and Opteron 6100 processors are, putting it mildly, a bit scarce. In fact it looks like they've disappeared completely.

So what happened?