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Linux Hardware Reviews, Benchmarks & Open-Source News
Updated: 37 min 19 sec ago

KDAB Working On Embedding Servo Web Engine Within Qt

Mon, 08/04/2024 - 1:54pm
Engineers at the KDAB consulting firm have begun experimenting with embedding the Rust-written Servo web engine inside Qt software using CXX-Qt...

SolidRun Launches Bedrock R8000 As First Industrial PCs With Ryzen Embedded 8000 Series

Mon, 08/04/2024 - 1:00pm
Following the launch last week of the AMD Ryzen Embedded 8000 Series, SolidRun today announced the Bedrock R8000 as the first industrial PCs designed around these new Ryzen Embedded 8000 series SoCs...

RISC-V Adding Kernel-Mode FPU For Linux 6.10 To Enable Recent AMD Display Support

Mon, 08/04/2024 - 11:01am
With the upcoming Linux 6.10 kernel cycle, the RISC-V architecture code is seeing kernel-mode FPU. This kernel floating point support is needed for the AMDGPU kernel graphics driver and particular its DCN display code. In turn this should allow recent AMD Radeon graphics cards to work on RISC-V with display support using the company's open-source driver stack...

RADV Vulkan Driver Enables EXT_shader_object By Default With Mesa 24.1

Mon, 08/04/2024 - 10:53am
It's been a long journey but Valve's Samuel Pitoiset has now enabled VK_EXT_shader_object support by default with Mesa's Radeon Vulkan driver "RADV" for the upcoming Mesa 24.1 release...

Oracle Releases DTrace 2.0.0-1.14 For Linux Systems

Mon, 08/04/2024 - 10:48am
DTrace used to be one of the Solaris features long sought after by Linux developers but over time the Linux kernel tracing capabilities have improved and Oracle has been supporting DTrace on Linux now for years without too much fanfare. DTrace 2.0.0-1.14 was released this past week as the latest iteration of this user-space implementation that builds off the Linux kernel tracing functionality like BPF...

Raspberry Pi OS Now Shipping With Vulkan Support By Default

Mon, 08/04/2024 - 10:18am
For those running the official Raspberry Pi OS on Raspberry Pi 4 and 5 series single board computers, the Mesa V3DV Vulkan driver is now shipping by default to provide for a better out-of-the-box experience...

Linux 6.9-rc3 Released With Many Bcachefs Patches

Sun, 07/04/2024 - 8:43pm
Linux 6.9-rc3 is released and most notable are the Bcachefs fixes to which Torvalds quipped, "if you had a corrupted bcachefs filesystem you'd probably want this, and if you thought bcachefs was stable already, I have a bridge to sell you. Special deal only for you, real cheap." Plus various other fixes throughout...

Arch Linux Increasing Its vm.max_map_count To Help Steam Play Games & Other Software

Sun, 07/04/2024 - 6:28pm
Similar to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, Fedora 39, and other recent Linux distributions increasing its vm.max_map_count default in order to satisfy some Windows games running under Valve's Steam Play (Proton) and other memory-intensive software, Arch Linux is also increasing its default value...

x86-64-v5? Questions Arise Over The Future Of x86-64 Micro-Architecture Feature Levels

Sun, 07/04/2024 - 1:24pm
While recently there has been more Linux distribution vendor interest in evaluating x86-64-v2 and/or x86-64-v3 baselines for future Linux distribution releases as well as offering optimized packages for higher x86-64 baselines either for x86-64-v3 with being able to assume AVX/AVX2 or in the x86-64-v4 level where AVX-512 is introduced, the prospect of x86-64 micro-architecture feature levels for future processors isn't clear...

Framework Hiring For Open-Source Firmware Development

Sun, 07/04/2024 - 1:08pm
Framework Computer as the company behind the popular Framework 13 and Framework 16 upgradeable/modular laptops is hiring for an open-source firmware developer...

CoCo VMs On Linux Will Now Panic If RdRand Is Broken To Avoid Catastrophic Conditions

Sun, 07/04/2024 - 11:00am
For confidential computing "CoCo" virtual machines where the VM host is assumed to be un-trusted and aims to be as isolated as possible, RdRand hardware random number generator instructions are one of the limited sources of entropy for guest VMs. Right now RdRand can fail and the CoCo guest VMs will continue to boot albeit with limited or no entropy to see the VM's random number generation. But being merged today as part of x86 fixes for Linux 6.9 is now requiring seeding RNG with RdRand for CoCo environments otherwise a kernel panic...

Rust Bindings Are Being Worked On For Linux CPUFreq Drivers

Sun, 07/04/2024 - 10:56am
One of the latest areas being worked on for enabling Rust programming language use within the Linux kernel is for CPU frequency "CPUFreq" scaling drivers...

Debian Policy 4.7 Outlines Latest Packaging/System Guidelines

Sun, 07/04/2024 - 10:17am
A new version of the Debian Policy Manual has been published that outlines the policy requirements for Debian around the package archive and various design matters of the platform...

Raspberry Pi V3D Kernel Graphics Driver Prepares For Big & Super Pages To Boost Speed

Sat, 06/04/2024 - 4:39pm
Last month I wrote about the V3D kernel graphics driver preparing for 1MB "super pages" support to help boost the performance for this open-source Broadcom DRM driver most notably used by the latest Raspberry Pi single board computers. The latest iteration of these patches have now been posted for supporting both super pages and big pages...

KDE On The Importance Of Wayland Explicit Sync

Sat, 06/04/2024 - 12:45pm
With the recent Mesa 24.1 support for Wayland explicit sync with Vulkan drivers, GNOME merging explicit sync support, Wayland-Protocols 1.34 introducing linux-drm-syncobj, and XWayland explicit sync also nearing the state of being merged, there's been much talk recently about Wayland explicit sync. KDE KWin developer Xaver Hugl has written a detailed blog post for those interested in the topic...

GNOME Improving Integration With systemd-homed, Mockups For An OS Installer

Sat, 06/04/2024 - 10:53am
In addition to KDE's busy week of development work, GNOME developers have also been busy working on features like improving the systemd-homed integration and beginning to work on mock-ups for an OS installer...

KDE Plasma 6 Can Now Sync Your RGB-Backlit Keyboard With Your Desktop's Accent Color

Sat, 06/04/2024 - 10:29am
KDE developers have had another busy week working on fixes for Plasma 6.0 while simultaneously preparing new features for Plasma 6.1...

Pingora 0.1 Released As Cloudflare's Rust Code For Reliable & Fast Networked Systems

Fri, 05/04/2024 - 6:45pm
Back in 2022 Cloudflare began talking about replacing Nginx with their own in-house, Rust-written code called Pingora, talked about Pingora more in 2023, and then this past February made this Pingora framework open-source for creating reliable and fast networked systems. Today marks the first official release of Pingora with the v0.1 tag...

Wine 9.6 Adds Support For Advanced AVX Features In Register Contexts

Fri, 05/04/2024 - 5:39pm
Wine 9.6 has just been issued as the newest bi-weekly development release for this open-source software to enjoy Windows games and applications under Linux...

New EEVDF Linux Scheduler Patches Make It Functionally "Complete"

Fri, 05/04/2024 - 4:21pm
Veteran Linux kernel developer Peter Zijlstra is working to wrap-up feature work around the EEVDF kernel scheduler code...